Vision Is Not Just Seeing Clear! To See is to Understand, to Make Decisions and to Direct Actions.

Even if an individual sees 20/20 at eye chart and is told that his or her eyes are healthy, The individual could still struggle with Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) or Vision Processing deficits. These functional vision problems are only diagnosed through full functional vision assessment and sensorimotor exam. In those assessment, More than 17 visual skills will be tested in functional vision assessment  by Behavioral Optometrists.

What could go wrong if one don't see properly? Imagine how it would affect a person if one sees like below every time they tried to read or look: Frustrated, Angry, and Overwhelmed...
If people see things like the example above, how does the brain process the information gathered by the eyes? Don't allow these treatable vision problems to negatively impact your health and quality of life!