Myopia (Nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism
There are all refractive errors. Patients with myopia or hyperopia may see things blurry while patients with astigmatism see things distorted. Most people thought that once one established those conditions, there is no way to change.
Most of these refractive errors are result from vision stress, underlying binocular vision dysfunction and poor vision hygiene. If we treat the binocular vision dysfunctions, reduce the vision stress, and use our vision wisely, we can use our vision system more efficiently and change the refractive error status.
We can help reduce myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism by guiding our vision system into proper development with stress relief lenses prescription, light therapy, and vision therapy.
Take off your glasses and see by Dr. Jacob Liberman
Astigmatism as function of visual scan, head scan and head posture by Dr. Elliott Forest, American journal of optometry and physiological optics Vol 57, No 11, P 844-860, 1980