Will Insurance cover the vision therapy (VT) program?
It depends. Most insurance plans do not cover this service. But some do, only for a certain diagnosis or age of the patient. However, our office does not participate any insurance plan. Please click here for more information.
Please check with your insurance company for coverage.
How can I afford the vision therapy program?
Our office offers varieties of payment options, which fit the budget for the families of all kinds. Please click here for more information. If you have further questions, please contact us.
Please Click here for some suggestions of ways to pay VT service.
What if I do not start vision therapy for my child now…
Then what is your plan B?
- Pushing your child to work harder?
- Hiring tutor?
- Switching medication?
- Be patient and wait to outgrow?
- Any other options?
These vision problems cannot fix by glasses and won’t get better on their own.
Imagine having a child ride on a bike with a broken wheel to climb a hill. How far you can push the child up the hill? What will happen eventually… the child may give up eventually…
80% learning in school is from vision, even more so now with extensive use of digital devices. Having those children with learning related vision problems to read is just like putting them on the bike with a broken wheel. They do not have appropriate fundamental tools to cope with the increasing visual demands at near as they advance to the higher grade. Eventually, they will give up.
How can we avoid misdiagnose these vision problems?
Certainly, those that struggle academically need to be evaluated for binocular vision deficits, but there are many children and adults that have have never had trouble academically, yet still have binocular vision deficits. Please note, a routine eye exam will often not detect these deficits. An individual can have 20/20 eyesight yet still struggle with visual issues that impact them academically, socially, and emotionally.
Who needs an evaluation or at the very least a screening with a
behavioral optometrist?
Those who struggle academically, who avoid near work, who develop headache in school, who take hours to finish 15 minutes of homework.
Those who do NOT struggle academically but deal with following issues:
• excessive shyness • anxiety • depression • OCD tendencies
• not being able to be flexible in their thinking or with changes in their environment or schedules
• overwhelmed in sensory rich environments