IF “Yes” to any one of the below, a functional vision exam is indicated.

  1. Have you ever been diagnosed with acquired brain injury (ABI) or concussion?
  2. Have you ever been diagnosed with a lazy eye or turned eyes?
  3. Have you ever had an eye operation?
  4. Have you diagnosed myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism?
  5. Have you been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD?
  6. Have you been diagnosed with Learning disability or Dyslexia?
  7. Have you been diagnosed with panic attack, depression or anxiety?
  8. Are your experiencing Migraines or headache?
  9. History of COVID, Lyme diseases or other infections?
  10. Does your child blink his/her eyes a lot/much more than most children?
  11. Are your child’s verbal skills far ahead of his/her reading skills?
  12. History of Torticollis?
  13. Have you been diagnosed functional neurological disorders (FND)