At Academy of Vision and Learning, we take our time to understand the history of each patient’s development, school performance, daily activities related to his (her) visual skills. We also take time to evaluate how both eyes work together as a team (sensorimotor exam) as well as how eyes and brain work together (visual information processing evaluation).  So often, people, who can see 20/20, even having healthy routine eye exam (comprehensive eye examination) believe they could not have a vision problem. This is simply not true (click here to learn 20/20 myth). 

Conditions such as eye movement disorders, double vision, suppression, eye strain or fatigue, intermittent blurry vision and dizziness could all occur in patients with 20/20 vision.

We provide a full range of program of vision care:

Eye Exam

we offer comprehensive exams that cover all aspects of your vision and eye health.
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Visual Information Processing

A set of standardized tests is used to evaluate patients' ability to process visual information

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy helps both eyes work together with their brain so as to act best.